ELFS: trenuntno najbolj vroči modni dizajnerji na Hrvaškem so mojo pozornost pritegnili že pred leti, ko so še prodirali na trg. Zaznamujejo jih predvsem pisane barve, mladostne kombinacije in igrivi kroji. Ko sem videla, da se v Sloveniji odpira showroom, sem se odločila za obisk in kratek prispevek na blogu.
Elfs sta zasnovala Ivan Tandarić in Aleksandar Šekuljica že leta 2004, vendar jima je pravi preboj uspel šele ob sodelovanju s hrvaškimi zvezdami kot sta Severina in Jelena Rozga. Brez pretiravanja lahko rečem, da so Elfsi trenuntno najbolj zaželjena roba ne samo med hrvaškimi estradniki, pač pa prav med vsemi generacijami, ki vsaj malo spremljajo modne trende, in takih na Hrvaškem ni malo.
Njuna predzadnja kolekcija – Mafia Lady – je debitirala tudi v Sloveniji in s tem zaznamovala širitev znamke preko meja Hrvaške. Njune kreacije so nosili Maja Keuc in Nina iz Tabu-jev, pa tudi Raay. S tem so poželi veliko zanimanja tudi pri nas in kmalu je sledila otvoritev showrooma v Ljubljani.
Zadnja kolekcija, Holidays, del katere je sedaj tudi na voljo v showroomu, ti z lahkoto postane všeč, saj prepleta vse trende letošnje pomladi in poletja: od čipk, netov do pastelnih barv, ki jih predstavita na čisto svoj, igriv, mladnostniški in zabaven način. To nenazadnje predstavlja tudi njun osnovni moto: mladost, zabava in veliko barv. Pomembno je poudariti, da nikoli nista imela namena ustvarjati visoke mode. Z Elfsi sta želela ustvariti brand, ki bo trendovski, dostopen večini, in obenem primeren tako za street styling kot tudi posebne priložnosti. Naloga vsekakor ni lahka, saj ob poplavi vseh masovnih brandov, ki vsakodnevno prinašajo najnovejše trende v trgovine in so danes praktčno že na vsakem koraku, sta Ivan in Aleks dokazala, da se s trdim delom, vztrajnostjo in svežimi idejami da uspeti. Zato ne dvomim, da jima ne bi uspelo tudi v Sloveniji, morda, ker še vedno po tihem upam, da se bo tudi pri nas prebudila večja modna ozaveščenost in odmik od nošenja zgolj preverjenih kombinacij in znamk.
Ker so šele vstopili na naš trg, je trenutno možno kupiti vse njihove kose in dodatke preko spletne prodaje, del zadnje kolekcije vključno s čudovitim nakitom in dodatki pa je na voljo tudi v showroomu, kamor se lahko zaenkrat odpravite z vnaprejšnjim dogovorom z gospodično Senko Halebić iz Lasense, ki zastopa Elfse v Sloveniji. Zaenkrat se še ne ve ali bomo Elfsove kose lahko že v kratkem srečali na policah ljubljanskih trgovin, zagotovo pa bomo o Elfsih še slišali in brali.
Jaz že imam ogledane svoje najljubše kose, pa vi? ;)
nekaj utrinkov obiska showrooma
Fashion treat: ELFS: currently the most wanted designers in Croatia that they caught my attention years ago already, when they were still penetrating the market. They are characterised by vivid colours, youthful combinations and playful patterns. When I found out that showroom is opening in Slovenia, I decided to visit it and write a short report on my blog.
Elfs was founded by Ivan Tandarić and
Aleksandar Šekuljica in 2004 already, but the real breakthrough started
happening when they initiated collaboration with Croatian celebrities such as
Severina and Jelena Rozga. Without hesitation I can easily say that Elfs are
the hottest thing on the market, not only among celebrities, but among all
generations, which follow fashion trends at least a bit, and there are not that
few of them in Croatia.
Elfs' penultimate collection – Mafia Lady –
had its debut also in Slovenia and with that it marked expansion over borders of Croatia. Their creations were worn
by Maja Keuc, Nina from Tabu and Raay. With that, they startled an interest
also in Slovenia and soon the opening of showroom in Ljubljana followed.
Their last collection, Holidays, part of which
is now available also in the showroom, is easily likeable, since it combines
all trends of this spring: from laces, nets to pastel colours, which they pack
in their own, unique, playful and youthful way. That is nevertheless their
basic motto: youth, fun and lots of colours. It is important to emphasise that
they never had intention to create high street fashion. With Elfs they were
looking to create a trendy, affordable brand, which would be suitable for both
street styling and special occassions. Task was certainly not an easy one to achieve,
given the overflow of mass brands, that send newest trends to stores, which are
now literary on every corner, on a daily basis and Ivan and Aleks proved that
with hard work, persistence and fresh ideas there is a chance of sucess. Having
said that, I do not doubt that they would succeed in Slovenia too, possibly
though, because I still hope, deep down in myself, that fashion awareness will
grow in Slovenia gradually and that the shift from wearing 'safe combinations'
will eventually happen.
Since they just entered Slovenian market, for
now, you can purchase the clothes via internet, part of their latest
collection along with the beautiful jewlery and accessories can also be bought
in the showroom, with prior notice to the owner Mrs Senka Halebić from Lasensa,
who represents Elfs in Slovenia. For now, it is still unknown whether we will
see Elfs on the shelfs of Ljubljana's shops, but we will certainly here and
read more about them in the future.
I have already spotted my favorite pieces,
have you?
Above are also some snapshots from the visit, hope you like them ;)
Above are also some snapshots from the visit, hope you like them ;)
Nika Zima